
Hersheys got rid of that worth it song
Hersheys got rid of that worth it song

hersheys got rid of that worth it song

On its website, the group marshals an array of arguments that eliminating the penny would lead to disaster for consumers, charities, the government, and the economy as a whole. This organization has conducted polls showing that more than two-thirds of Americans favor keeping the penny. The main pro-penny lobbying group is Americans for Common Cents, which represents Jarden Zinc, the company that makes the zinc and copper blanks from which pennies are produced.

hersheys got rid of that worth it song

However, while many people are calling for the penny’s retirement, others are working just as hard to keep the coin in circulation. And in February 2014, President Barack Obama argued during a YouTube chat that pennies were obsolete and a symbol of U.S. Penny has attracted the support of economists from Harvard and Wake Forest University.įormer Representative Jim Kolbe of Arizona sponsored two bills in Congress to eliminate the penny. A nonpartisan organization called Citizens to Retire the U.S. Pennies are so close to worthless that many people argue it’s time to do away with them altogether. Pennies are worth so little now that by taking five seconds to pick one up, you’re earning just $7.20 an hour - less than the federal minimum wage. But whether or not you believe picking up that penny will bring you luck, one thing it definitely won’t bring you is wealth.

hersheys got rid of that worth it song

According to an old superstition, it’s good luck to find a penny on the sidewalk.

Hersheys got rid of that worth it song